Cowslips in abundance

I've been absent with computer problems for many days. I've not sorted it out yet, despite having a completely new screen on my laptop and a cleanse of it's hard drive and completely new installation of Lightroom.

I've now managed to get the most recent iteration of Lightroom working and sorted out some pictures taken on Minchinhampton Common this afternoon. I went to Nailsworth to pick up Helena and drove back over the hills to the common. I'd spotted that the whole of the grassland expanse, which is a huge area was covered by the quickly growing traditional Cotswold limestone grass which the National Trust encourages on their land. One of the bonuses is that cowslips absolutely thrive there. The cows which graze the land all summer have not yet been allowed out onto the common so only rabbits and hares will be grazing there so far. I will return in a few days, when the undergrowth is much drier and there is at least some sunlight, unlike today, and take some close up pictures of these beautiful wild cowslips.

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