Sevilla Day 2: Flamenco

A bit of an improv'd flamenco session by some enthused spectators at an outdoors concert we happened to walk past: these ladies lived it up :) Hoping to catch the 'real' thing at some point.

We've continued our walking orientation, past the cathedral (which we'll visit tomorrow), through the court house (which featured a wedding: oh my, the hats!) and on to the shopping district in the old town (I'll def return to that when I'm on my own time).

We started with a typical Spanish breakfast (pan integral con tomates triturados y aceite: this will be my staple while here! loved it); lunched on tapas (so much delicious food!) and finished the day, after the traditional 'siesta break' from 2-5pm at another restaurant. Not sure this will be the trip in which I lose weight even though I'm def exceeding my step quotas each day! I made my first foray solo into the grocery store to supplement the welcome basket (thank god the food looks the same, 'cos I'm def missing its vocabulary!). 

So many opportunities for street photography but my senses are quite overwhelmed right now so I have to approach this when I go out solo and can take my time to properly observe life around me. And life, there is!

For now, off to catch some Zzzs and hoping to quickly adjust to jet lag!

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