Patio flowers

Aethon ni'r pentref yn y bore i fynd á llawer o bethau i siop elusen - ac yn mynd i siop goffi, wrth gwrs. Yn y prynhawn, treuliais i oriau ar y patio yn glanhau fe gyda pibell bwysau.  Cymerodd e amser hir ond mae'r patio yn edrych yn well. Dwedon ni bod rhaid i ni glanhau fe yn fwy aml - ond rydyn ni wedi dweud hynny o'r blaen. 

Am ginio roeddwn i wedi cael pitsa pwysig.  Pam pwysig? - oherwydd roeddwn i wedi addo fy hun, ychydig amser yn ôl, na fyddwn i bwyta pitsa tan oeddwn i wedi cyrraedd ar fy pwysau gôl. Wel, cadwais fy addewid, ac heno gwnes i mwynheuais pitsa bach.  Ar ôl cinio, gwylion ni 'Ffit Cymru' ar y teledu.  Roedd e'n da iawn i weld pobol yn colli pwysau ac yn cadw heini.

We went to the village in the morning to take many things to a charity shop - and go to a coffee shop, of course. In the afternoon, I spent hours on the patio cleaning it with a pressure hose. It took a long time but the patio looked better. We said we must clean it more often - but we've said that before.

For dinner I had had an important pizza. Why important? - because I had promised myself, some time back, that I would not eat pizza until I had reached my goal weight. Well, I kept my promis, and tonight I enjoyed a small pizza. After dinner, we watched 'Ffit Cymru' on television. It was very good to see people losing weight and keeping fit.

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