
By TBay

The outing.

Today the Tbay clan gathered for a birthday outing which Mrs V and Mrs Tbay Jnr had organised. At my request I wanted something involving water and I wanted it to be a surprise! They delivered both!

We headed for Bristol where we boarded a pleasure craft and were taken on a very pleasant river cruise up the River Avalon in parts and also the Avon and Kennet canal of which this is a picture.

After about an hour we arrived at a sweet little riverside cafe where we were booked in for lunch. After an excellent home cooked lunch we headed back to Bristol and had a quick tour of the docks too.

Little Miss and Harry were both so good too which made life so easy.

Once Home much activity took place as we prepared for a dinner party for 16 .

I must make a note for further 0 birthdays not to drink my own body weight of Champagne. Feeling rather urghhhhh currently, but no doubt after a good strong cup of tea things will be better.

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