Cherry Blossom Time #2

Beautiful day but chilly this morning. However, I tackled a regular task, power washing the slab paths and drive. Got a lot done this morning so decided to call it a day and do some more tomorrow.
This afternoon we popped over to see Fiona & Annabelle (see MaggieD's blip)
Rona seems a whole lot better today. She is showing much more interest in things and is taking her meds without problem. A visit to the vet is booked for Thursday so we will find out if Rona will require constant medication from now on.
Just thought I would add an extra photo today. We squeezed in a visit to Gargunnock House to check on the rhododendrons. Hey are not quite out yet but I took a photo of the old "doo cot". This would have helped supply meat(pidgeons) for the Big House back in the day. Not sure if this would be allowed nowadays.

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