
By BikerJim

~Dalea Flower~

~Pollination At Work~

This little creature is doing his job, no pay or reward that I can ascertain. Just doing what Nature intended for him to do. Flying from flower to flower, gathering its pollen, and redistributing it to other Daleas in the area or taking it back to the hive for the offspring. My yard has four Daleas and all are in bloom so this little bee is a busy little bee. Thanks little guy and express my appreciation to all your buddies.

While observing them I noticed that when their little pollen baskets on their hind legs are full they fly much slower than one of their unburdened brothers. I think that when this added weight reaches a certain point the bee knows it's time to fly home and unload their cargo. Kind of an energy verses labor coefficient thingy. One needs the maximum amount of payload, yet they still need to make it back home without expending too much precious energy.

On a side note, I just don't go out in my yard and click off a few pictures. I stood by this Dalea bush for over an hour, collecting a hundred and sixty photographs. I'm not good enough of a photographer to know what settings are optimum, I just do some calculated adjustments and work out the alterations from that point on. Still, getting these little fellows to do what I need them to do is not within my power. I wish they were under my control, but they do what they want and go where they choose. Frustrating to say the least, but worth the effort when I see the final image.

Thanks for coming into my garden, TucsonJim ;o)

A Big Bee

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