
By nate29482

I'm a hero.

It's only 3:12AM, but I'm already doing my blip for the day. I started this game when I was like 8 or 10 or something and was never able to beat it (stuck on level 9).

So when I re-purchased the game last fall and started playing, guess how far I got before I got really stuck... Level 9. I couldn't believe it, the same game that stumped me as an elementary student had me scratching my head in the same spot in my mid-20s, how sad.

Anyways TODAY, well tonight, with the help of an online guide (I never use them, but I didn't care, I figured I'm not spending 10 hours figuring out which room is which since its a big maze) I was able to beat it. I actually stumbled upon Gannon (the final boss) before (before I quit last fall), but I didn't know how to kill him.

The youtube video told me that I needed to get this silver bow and arrow thing. It's amazing that anyone is able to ever beat these old NES games. They have so many little things you needed to figure out and they'd intentionally trick you.

So I'm pretty proud of myself, sure it took me like 15 or something years to beat (with a nice 14 year break in between), but now it's done!

Now, what nes game to play next, hmmm, hmmm. I'm thinking the super mario brothers games since I know I beat them all as a kid, but I think i always used the warps and I'd like to see the whole game I think... Maybe Mega Man since I never played that as a kid, hmmm, oh yeah or metriod or mike tyson's punchout or castlevania or maybe duck tales I heard that was easy. So many games I never played as a kid!

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