
We went to the ten o'clock presentation of the film Avengers: Infinity Wars, a Marvel Comics' superhero action movie.  The IMAX cinema is close to the station and and the film was in 3D. Luckily there were Japanese subtitles so I knew what was going on.  Andrew and Pete enjoyed it and talked superhero lore for the rest of the day. See poster in extras.

Early evening we all went to Chinatown in Yokohama, apparently one of the largest in the world. A vibrant area, the atmosphere of which improved as it became darker.  We found a good restaurant for tea, buffet style they just kept bringing dishes, delicious. By the time we left it was very dark, showing the signs and lights at their best.  

It started raining this evening for the first time this week. Apparently we'll be having storms in the night but hopefully cleared by mid-morning.

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