Going In for Land

.....No doubt this greedy guts is on a mission...full of pollen already there is still more to be had.

I promised a friend I would look after her garden and veggie patch whilst she was away.........I spent a lot of time there...watering...taking cuttings and pics......I had forgotten how much I loved having a veggie patch and lots of plants and then I remembered the work involved and got over it pretty quick.
The day was gorgeous along with the huge .....Rose of Sharon bush/tree sporting huge white and pink blooms that look like huge hibiscus.......I love that tree.......and hopefully when it stops flowering I might try to grow one from a cutting. The bees were frolicking and collecting.........amongst the blooms weighed down with pollen...it was a very happy scene....too hot for me to stay out in too long and watch though.
Back at home there was more gardening to do to take care of my little treasures....I hope they grow.

For the next Emotion people feel but cannot explain is

#2.Opia: the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.

I have often felt this especially with men that I felt attracted to and was unsure of their feelings toward me. For me it is important to look at someone whilst talking to them and I feel quite comfortable doing that but there is always those time when this applies .....for some reason it would make me feel very queasy in the tummy......and even then there was no way I could turn away.

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