Capital adventures

By marchmont


The Festival Theatre tonight with a strident protest against the Israeli dance company performing there. There was large group of hi vis jacketed bobbies corralling the protesters and groups of fairly middle aged men and women handing out leaflets outside Surgeon's Hall.

At least it was drier tonight than earlier in the day. I spent a couple of hours corralled myself, with Neil at the West End, filling in forms and doing sums. By the time I was ready to go to the office it was chuckin' it down and I got soaked, dripping wet soaked.

I spent the rest of the afternoon inside doing the end of months chores - petty cash and credit card statement. Thank goodness our admin starts soon.

Then to sing. We got much praise for last week's efforts but that means we have a high standard to maintain, and only 4 more practices. Jing a ling a ling ring jing jing!

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