Cat and mouse

I think we might be in full teen age mode now. In the evening I can exhaust him with his favourite wand with a feather things that flutter like a bird. But it's hard to entertain him all the time when I'm around home. He loves the curtains.... :-/ Fortunately I love Jasper.

I've had a fairly energetic day. My birthday 'treat' on Thursday was a spin class followed by my usual pump class. The spin class was evil. But coffee out with 3 exercise mates afterwards was great.

My friend who thought spin and pump was a marvelous idea also signed me up for this morning. More evil but it's good pain, or at least it feels good when it stops. Basically it's one interval track after another. No rest for the wicked and I'm still in one piece :-)

Today's gratitude: For relaxation and a good book at the end of the day.

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