
By TonyG

Pure White

This rather lovely double form of the Wood Anemone has the name 'Vestal.'   It's as easy to grow as the common form, enjoying the same conditions, humus rich soil in dappled shade.  Where I grow it, under a witch hazel, the sun only reaches it in the late afternoon.

Quite happy this afternoon for the sun not to reach me until late afternoon too!  It's been hot.  I worked outside, levelling a path, this morning but retreated indoors after midday to prepare the lunch.  A cooler job for the afternoon has been making some space in Ruth's room so that my Mum can sleep there when she visits next week.  Some dusty corners visited.  Not sure whether this counts as tidying ..... or archaeology!

Now off on my bike to water young plants at the allotment in the cool of the evening.

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