All that Jazz

Just don't mention a heatwave - it ain't happening here! 

However how many people can claim to have just come back from a  New Orleans Jazz style Funeral Parade ?! Yes, it's  Ballydehob Jazz Festival and one of the highlights is the Jazz Funeral thingie. And the highlight of the highlights are these two magnificent puppets. The are colossal and need at least four minders each to work the head and the arms and legs, and presumably there's someone inside. The highlight of the highlight of the highlight is when they stop mid parade and have a bit of a smooch and little children do a sort of May Pole dance around them!

In fact it's festival a gogo from now until October in Ballydehob - they seem to have one a weekend!

And thank you for all the lovely comments on son#2 - he is quite a special chap, it comes through doesn't it (not that I'm biased).

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