This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Chat with Stewart
Shop for heaters and have lunch with Mom
Get ready to run errands (exhibition, post office, bank)
Discover I have flat tire (I mean really flat)
Walk to exhibition to affix labels and statement to wall, take pictures of installation
Walk over to post office to pick up a surprise care package from Stewart (oatcakes, sweet chili sauce, onion rings! Oh my!)
Decide to skip bank, walk home
Melissa came over and brought me a HUGE Dr. Pepper and we had a fun visit with Stewart on skype.
More skype with Stewart after Melissa left.

This is my exhibition, Silently and Still at St. Pauls Episcopal Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas. These work will be up through November in their parish hall, a multipurpose room. I do yoga here sometimes and I will definitely go next Tuesday so I can see what it is like to do yoga around my work!


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