It's life, Jim

By BoxBootley


I completely skipped this day in entries because of my stupid moods. But now I realise that they're not always stupid. Surely if someone can say they acknowledge and want to help with a mental illness then they should do exactly that instead of completely degrading anything you say when it comes to it.

No, being sad isn't "silly" or "stupid" no matter the reason. 

You have depression? You be sad and don't let people tell you it's stupid. 
You're going over an old situation? You don't EVER have to move on. If it makes you sad get it all out.
You're just sad and don't know why? YOU ARE NOT BEING STUPID. 

The people who surround you who are calling you stupid for these reasons are the ones who are actually stupid. They shouldn't be allowed to surround you if that's what they think.

The purpose of the image is that a swan is pure, and so are emotions. There are no reasons in the world that could make your sadness stupid. So embrace it and don't let others make you hold it back. 

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