An Alternative to Cherry Blossom

How lovely it was to exit the house early this morning into warmth and sunshine with joggers, walkers and commuters in short sleeves;I wish that this was the norm instead of the usual thermals and anoraks.
Even the patriarch of the clan of foreign beggars who have their office, so to speak, In Middle Meadow Walk was making the most of the weather and already at his ‘desk’ at 6:45.

The park cleaners were well advanced in their dealings with the litter left behind by yesterday’s throng of picnickers who partied late into the evening. The big bins were full to bursting with rubbish and the grass almost clear of detritus.

However the good weather is slipping from our grasp now as the wind picks up, the skies cloud over and the rain waits in the wings. It was lovely while it lasted.
Like many other people, I suspect, my mood is influenced by sunshine and no matter the number of vitaminD pills swallowed, the effect is not the same.

The extra images are more for my memory bank than anything else. The blossom has been spectacular this year but already the insistent wind is doing its best to shorten the time we have it to enjoy.

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