
By IrvingFlashman


I forgot to take a picture today but really wanted to make an entry. Tonight I went to the theatre with the girlies to see a production by Volcano titled L.O.V.E. and there was no way I wasn't going to write about it.
The piece is based on and structured around the sonnets of William Shakespeare and saught to represent love. They did it excellently.
It was loud, quiet, dynamic, violent, shocking, passionate, gymnastic, excessive, upsetting, ecstatic and beautiful. The dialogue of the sonnets running throughout the show created a passionate, poetic, violent soundtrack to the movements of the bodies.
Throughout the show clothing was discarded, ripped and shed. Bottles of champagne were shook over the stage. The imposing four poster bed provided a centre for the dynamic representations of the violent passions of the characters. A knife was produced and tensions ran high for a short while.
I'm not sure I could fully express my feelings about this show without spending a few hours sorting them through in my head.
The show was superb and, refreshingly, presented the truths of love and not an over-romanticised fantasy, yet still remained beautiful.

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