What did I see today...?

By DaveR


Now, this really should be a Hallowe'eny or NaNoWriMo themed shot for today (with it kicking off tomorrow, well, today now I'm writing this!), but Carl from my office had a visit from his new puppy, Doyle, so pretty much our entire team went down to see him - and he's so very Blippable that he's today's choice!

Updates are probably going to start being either very late / a day or two behind as I'm now in November and novel writing begins again in earnest - also finishing off the move to the new house and a bundle of trips I appear to be going on - so much for a quiet month. I'll definitely try to keep up with everyone else, but I may be a little quieter than usual.

Daily word counts will be supplied as well; 50,000 to go! (well, 49,899 at the moment...)

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