
By PixelChristi

Movember - what have I done to my face?!

What the HECK have I done? Right people, it's the month of MOvember where I bug you to donate for a good cause.

I may be too rickety to run for charity, but I can definitely shave a substantial beard off and grow some more facial hair. Please folks, if you can at all afford it, donate what little you feel you can to the Movember cause and help fight prostate cancer.

You can do it here: http://mobro.co/pixelchristi

Just to add, I enlisted The Kid to get the focus right. She did a sterling job and is, as a result, the only 7 year old I know of, who understands Rembrandt lighting.

So what kind of Mo' should I grow? I'm torn between Lemmy and Downey Jr.

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