RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography

Google Egret Rookery

Every year for the last 3 years, Audubon has worked with Google at Mountain View California to help protect an important egret rookery on their campus. They close down the road in early may when the egrets start arriving and today we had our first "Egret Office Hours." This is where we set up a table on the road that's closed in front of the rookery, we provide viewing scopes, binoculars and person a table of information for Google employees and anyone who may want to find out more about the habits of these magnificent birds.

Each year, over 100 nesting pairs of Snowy and Great egrets show up and build nests in the Sycamore trees along a road that goes through campus. The road is named "Shorebird Way." 

I have added a number of photos from todays first event. More to come.

The strange multi-person transportation device is a multi-person bicycle that someone invented for Google that is called the Conference Cycle.


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