RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography

Woodpecker and Finches

Today's main attraction is an Acorn woodpecker. He's busy hammering a huge hole in the soft meat of this tree. He's building a hole, all the way down to hollowing this tree out for a "Castle." This will be an Acorn woodpecker's home that supports the chicks, but also invites a fully extended family to look over the young, raise more chicks, and live in commune style with cousins, uncles, aunts, grandma, and grandpa, mom and dad. Sometimes siblings stay around as well and even non-family members are welcome to create a nuclear family that is strong and protective, capable of finding plenty of food for the whole gang.

The second photo is of a female House finch. Fairly drab, and not much in features. However, now look at the third photo. This is the male House finch showing off his breeding plumage. Isn't he handsome?


PS - the geo-tag is for the Acorn woodpecker. The finches were found in front of the ranch house (Audubon).

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