Something A Bit Different

I was shooting for something to put into Abstract Thursday....however I settled on this...I loved the colours.....and I don't think it is abstract enough to put in....hi ho.

It's been a funny few days........nothing seems to be cohesive....just dealing with flotsam and jetsom...and wafting along like a leaf in the wind....I have been getting things done though.

The boy is winding up like a beauty .......because its his birthday tomorrow.......he thinks he is King of all things and driving his mother crazy.............and basically being a little brat....I try to just disappear into my room but they just follow me...sigh! no peace for the .....well lets say I must of been very very wicked.
The dog is following suit and doing some very strange things and the cat has taught himself to open the pantry door....undo the clips of the plastic container and has proceeded to eat ALL of his biscuits........errrr he has been using his litter tray quite a lot today the little pig.

Oh BTW this rose is called LOVE and is a totally different colour in its original state.

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