Here and Now

By Mole

Hot Flash !

I don’t like this picture. I wanted to upload something pleasing. And it’s not exactly how I envision it. Limited time and energy, so here it is. Of course it’s not fun to look at. I don’t know any woman who likes having hot flashes. When this mistakenly popped out it took my green and blue outer space creature on a black background straight to angry erupting prickly heat. Just how it happens in real life. :(:(:(

Running on very little sleep, I hitched a ride with JC to poetry class at CWRU Squire Valleevue Farm in Hunting Valley, one of my favorite places on Earth. As per usual, it was gorgeous, there were some amazing pieces of poetry, and we laughed ourselves silly. I provided air conditioning with a winter scribble.

However, the handmade very iconic small Pink Pig signs were removed and replaced with large standardized brown and yellow signs - ugh as in ugly. Have those administrators have nothing better to do than mess with history and beauty? Who puts a brown and yellow sign out for the Pink Pig cottage where we meet? The nerve! Good thing I blipped them in years past.

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AT. The image is a collage of (1) an opening in a brunera leaf shown in Extra and (2) a dewy ‘Blue Moon Ears’ hosta.

In answer to those inquiring minds about yesterday’s blip ... for now I’ll clarify that the young and very handsome Mr Mole did in fact attend my senior prom with me. It was Awkward. I attended an all-girls Catholic high school infested with nuns.

Night all - time for me to crash before dinner in jammies.

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