secret garden

By freespiral

Gortaneadin Grotto.Inchigeelagh

I've just returned from taking son#1 to the airport - a short and sweet visit, lots of relaxing, not too challenging walks, films and food. perfect.

On the way home I did a little detour to Inchigeelagh to visit this grotto. Not a very wonderful photo, more for fascination than aesthetics.  This little shrine lies at the side of a tiny road in the middle of nowhere. It is the site of some astonishing things however - between June 25th, 1986 and March 25th, 1987, The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared 81 times to Mrs. Mary Casey, a housewife and mother. The BMV imparted many messages and Mrs Casey has since made it her life's work to travel the world spreading the information.
Mrs. Casey described her thus: "She is dressed in a brilliant white gown, a blue sash and mantle of a delicate shade of blue drapes Her head. She has light brown, shoulder length hair and big blue eyes. When she smiles, dimples appear. her Hands are joined in prayer and clasp a blue Rosary beads. Our Lady moves, breathes and looks to the left and to the right. Sometimes She looks at the nearby stream. In prayer, She always bows her head at the name of Jesus."
The BVM was also reported to having appeared on many separate occasions to other people.
It is an extraordinary place. Water gushes down from the mountain and a statue of the BVM looks down. It was this little shelter that fascinated me though - the battered row of seats facing the statue, the mysterious blue door. It was jam packed with personal items - photos, rosaries, jerseys and most poignant of all, a child's tiny shoe covered in pink sequins.
I hope I don't sound patronising when I describe this for I find it fascinating and moving - something profound, fundamental and ancient is going on here. There seems to be a very satisfying connection stretching way back and you don't have to be a Christian to appreciate it.
Worth biggifying.

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