
Things ......can only get better, on the cuckoo front!

Trotting on a rather dodgy butterfly walk (dodgy in that you knew it really wasn't going to happen) I got waylaid 200yds in with the call of a cuckoo. Returned to the car and trotted back with another longer lens. 

What I should have done was ditched the butterflying lens altogether and focused on a random bird call to reduce weight. Carrying gear I manfully went up and down banks following the call, through 4 barbed wire fences, slid down banks I knew I couldn't walk down on my bottom thinking, 'Oh not to worry these aren't my new jeans.' then afterwards realising actually ......  :/  Then up banks which was far more difficult and took time. 

It really didn't play fair flying from tree to tree up in the topmost branches of a copse calling to another cuckoo way over on the common. Giving it up as a bad job and realising I wasn't as young as I used to be and with a lot of slipping and sliding got back onto the butterfly trail. AND THEN THERE WERE 4! I saw 3 together and 1 calling from the copse. Buses?

No way could I get the distance. However I have plans. I want the shot and if I don't get it, it won't be for want of research and trying! Stay tuned or not depending on how much you like cuckoos :)

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