Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Recovery day. Quite good just to be on cruise control. Actually that’s not a good image as I didn’t keep a steady speed and go in a straight line, it was more of a case of being in a driverless car and not having to worry about bends in the road.

I did manage to finally paint the cupboard I built. Nearly done now, just needs a few finishing touches. And we did make home made seitan bacon which had a very long and fiddly list of ingredients.

Best bit of the day was brunch, which was lovely; we all sat round the table and the jokes, insults and reminiscences were flowing freely. Just wish The Girl Racer could have been with us. TSM and I made chickpea flour pancakes with a spinach and mushroom filling. So simple and tasty.

Avoided Eurovision. Will also be avoiding the royal wedding next week. Increasingly intolerant of cultural and social garbage ...

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