Fat feet

I had also taken pretty pictures on the beach this morning but as it turns out I have no wish to be reminded about the horribly stressful and annoying hour Rosie and I spent on the beach. She is actually a right bitch, I decided, also reminding myself of the no high tide / summer beach walks when other members of the general population will be there rule. Came home for some angry hoovering, wrote up two appraisals ( both lovely so I started to cheer up) then spent 40minutes of legs up the wall while watching House in my iPad which then got me back on Happy Weekend track.

GCSEs and Year 6 Sats start tomorrow. Will is all done by Friday, Daisy has many weeks to come. She is doing alright I think, no last minute panics. That she is sharing anyway. Will is the picture of blasé. I asked him yesterday at which point would he be opening the revision guides and practice books he made me buy which made him actually laugh. They made no appearance today but he has had to invest a fair amount of time into his new Xbox game so it’s understandable. I don’t care, they are completely pointless things. His tests, I’m sure the books are ever so useful.

We had steak and proper chips that I made out of potatoes and oil for tea. And now Sunday night baths n stuff. That’s been a nice lovely weekend. Except for the bastard dog today obvs.

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