
These are Ken's dogs Bo and Jaimie Louise on the back of my Land Rover. This morning we went for a drive in the neighbours property to check out the shafts from tin mining. Some shafts are possibly more than 140 years old. Anyway, Me, Brad and Ken had great fun bush bashing with the Land Rover. There isn't much room for 3 men in the cab so there wa a bit of male bonding too.

The dogs fared better. Considering that we were travelling accross to very rough terrain, all be it at a crawl, they managed not to fall off. They are farm dogs though and used to roughing it. I think they had a ball.

We left to come home at around 10am. The 3 hour drive was quite tiresome. I think I am tired form a busy weekend.

Good tired though.

Not that I am happy about it but I have broken the 100kg mark. Time to cut back on the number of take aways I think.

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