Abinger Hammer

Out and about again today. We crossed over the North Downs into the valley of the Tillingbourne where a string of villages line up at the foot of the hills. The blip is a view at Abinger Hammer and the lake was formerly one in a line of watercress beds. The abundance of spring water has made the valley ideal for growing watercress since the latter part of the eighteenth century. Although watercress is still grown in the village, this pond is empty of watercress and is just home to waterfowl. On its shore is an excellent farm shop where we bought plants, home made biscuits and bread.
We then went on to the village of Shere where Judith tried, unsuccessfully, to update my wardrobe.
A quick visit to The Silent Pool on the way home completed our morning tour.
We plan a quiet afternoon before going out to Mah-Jong this evening.

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