Monday Morning Bunny

We have caught glimpses of the rabbits living in our yard, but the new crop of  bunnies just hasn't cozied up to us yet, despite the fact that my husband puts out snacks for them.

A week or so ago, my husband spooked a bun in the backyard. Before that, we spotted two buns chasing each other around the yard. So we know that they are out there.

On this morning, I had just gotten up, and was feeding the cat, when I looked out Dexter's window and spotted a bunny below the hedge on the left side of the yard. I finished feeding the cat, then sneaked outside with my camera, being vewwy, vewwy quiet (as one does when stalking wabbits).

I got a few photos of one of our bunnies. It was looking a bit soaked from overnight rain. The bun didn't immediately startle when it saw me, but turned its head and went back to eating the green grass and dandelions.

It seemed like a rather calm bun. And only when I tried to move closer did the bunny zip away. Hasta la vista, Bun-Bun! I hope we can soon be friends. . . .

The song: Randy Newman, You've Got a Friend in Me.

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