Ma Nature Is Lyrical With Her Yearly Miracle......

...........Spring, Spring, Spring. ( Seven Brides For Seven Brothers )

We called in at Stubbers Green Pool on the way home from shopping.  I was watching the Coots and their babies, when T called me over to the Swan's nest.  Both parents were in the water and there were seven cygnets in the nest, a bundle of fluffy gorgeousness.  The Swans were encouraging the babies to go in the water.  Four needed no persuading and slid right in, but three were not having any of it.  So in the end the parents gave up and Mom got back on the nest and stayed with the timid three, while the other four went off on an adventure with Dad.
The coots also had babies, eight of them.  I have added an extra of one gazing up at its parent.  It was wonderful to see the interactions between the adults and their young.

To other matters, those who guessed a trivet for my mystery Tiny Tuesday object were spot on.  Well done. It is the smallest of a set of three ( see extra) .

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