By the ice cream parlour

Phew - a hectic few days!! My friend arrived in fine form; she loved her flowers and Ada only disgraced herself once!  The weather was exceptionally and unusually kind and we did some mega walks (first day I forgot my camera!!!!! but I did remember the picnic), did a spot of island hopping, indulged in a massive amount of talking and had a very quick paddle! I'll put up a few backblips later.

On the way home from dropping her off at the airport I had an hour or so to kill in Kinsale  and indulge in an ice cream, for the day was glorious. Kinsale is bright and beautiful, right on the sea and full of visitors! The colours are amazing - I rather liked this subtle combination spotted as I enjoyed my strawberry cheesecake ice cream - one scoop. For a less subtle confection see extra. 

I then went on to see a man about a well - actually three men and a wife turned up and we went down a very long bumpy track in an ancient 4x4 which beeped and protested all the way, us backseat passengers sitting on a wooden plank! The well was fantastic - not holy but a chalybeate well ie full of minerals. Here's Ray demonstrating how to get in it - apparently it was good for all ailments below the waist!

I came home via Ballinadee where life is hectic and was charmed by the old boy and his dog sitting outside the pub - tumbleweed just out of sight! I was lurking at the top of the extraordinary heart-shaped grotto.

Himself home tomorrow so a bit more tidying up required- urghh! It sounds as though he's had a brilliant time so it will be good to catch up. Backblips coming later. 

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