
By JanBee

What d'you wanna do?

What you wanna do?
Dunno what you wanna do?
Dunno, fancy some fish?

OK - not the most profound haiku, but it's a homage to this

I don't know if these were the same two as I blipped the other day, but they seem to have taken up residence by the lake. Across the other side of the river was another tree with about half a dozen perched at the top.... but too far away to blip.

I always thought cormorants were all black, so was intrigued by their white chests, but apparently this indicates that they are immature (less than 1 year old) ... thank you Wikipedia, not many people know that.

Home made joke:
Two cormorants walk into a bar, one says to the other
"I'm disappointed! I thought you said this was a dive?"

- Boom Boom ......

... OK I'll get my coat ......

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