Close Investigation

I took my camera in for a sensor clean this morning. I seem to have been cloning out 50 or more sensor spots for way too long - thankfully they aren't always visible - it depends on the light, the post processing etc - but one huge spot was appearing on almost every shot! Anyway, it was all done and dusted in 1 1/2 hours, missing feet replaced on both of my tripods, and the section of leg that had disappeared inside one of them, successfully retrieved. Then I went to pick up my new lens and tripod head. All set now and raring to go but it will have to wait until tomorrow. For today, I used my little camera that very rarely gets an airing and which I've yet to learn to love.... The goose seemed to be pretty interested in it though! He really was that close - I just shaved a little off the sky at the top :)

There's another, even more direct shot of the goose in my b&w journal! :)

Thank you so much for all the great comments, stars and hearts for Tuesday's blip - most generous of you! I've only posted yesterday's blip a short while ago, so most of you won't have seen it.

Have a lovely evening!

Ann :))

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