
By PlanW

Overheard in hospital:

Nurse: Oh dear, we'll have to change those sheets.
Patient*: It's Marmite.  No really, it is.  Not a dirty protest.  

*Actually, it was me.  

I had to stay until 6pm as they don't let you leave unaccompanied and Gary was working today.  It wasn't as scorchio as yesterday so I stayed in all day, with the radio/TV on.  I've been fed so much over the last two days, I was thinking of asking for a gastric band and liposuction before I go home.  Here's the chicken Caesar I had at 5pm.  

When we got home, I sat on the settee feeling sorry for myself.  Not because of the surgery but because I absolutely hate having a drain bottle attached to me.   It's so restricting, it's yucky lugging a bottle of your own blood around and I'm scared the vacuum will blow, the bottle will fail and I end up back at the hospital.   I'm therefore protecting it by moving as little as possible until it's time for it to be removed.  Fingers crossed. 

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