Onions, and homes

Well, alliums actually. But looking stately in this morning's sun.

The extra?
I walked from this garden to a meeting at Serenity Cafe, off the Canongate. My route took me from my 1920s tenement through the grandness of the New Town to the opulent Royal Bank in St Andrew's Sq, to Market St (no markets, but plenty of eateries) and the Canongate. Bakehouse Close runs under Huntly House Museum of Edinburgh and is across from The People's Story (social history of the city) and the Canongate Kirk (parish church for the residents of Holyrood Palace).

There was another royal wedding today.

Much to think about.

And a hope that the People's Story will, in the not too distant future, be able to add a room explaining how the citizens of the city found solutions to their housing and homelessness crises.

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