
When I used to work in town I was in an office off Rose Street. Of course back in them days I only had a little point and shoot digital camera and I didn't feel the need to take photographs every day either. Still, I went for a wander a couple of times in my lunch hour and discovered the skips, grilles, pallets, air con units, drainpipes, meshes, stairwells, bins, nooks, crannies and assorted portals that litter the lanes off the main drag. I went for a walk the length of one side of the street this afternoon to reacquaint myself. Today it was the North (some images in the blipfolio). Next time it'll be the South.

My album of the year (for this week anyway) has been getting a lot of my attention via a stream of the whole shebang. I was looking longingly at the CD of it today in Underground Solu'shn and discussing its merits with Gav behind the counter. I was attempting to put the sound of the album into words when he came up with what I believe describes it perfectly. Judge for yourself, you ever heard smacked-out rave before?

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