
Blimey, that Nick Cave gig last night was rather fabulous, possibly the most entertaining I've seen him over the years. It probably helped that we were up in the seats and could see every dodgy dance move and every frequent off-stage foray of his to interact with front rows pretty clearly. And, I think, the thing I love about Nick is that here's a man who, whilst he takes his work seriously, is clearly a man who doesn't take himself that seriously at all. He is ridiculous, or at least the persona of Nick Cave is ridiculous and I think he's got enough about him to realise this completely. And then ramp it up a bit more.

Support act Shilpa Ray was great as well, altho most of my row got up and left as her set progressed. I guess one woman and her harmonium performing throaty, bluesy numbers with a fair bit of shouting chucked in just wasn't their thing. Pity, she did it for me.

Anyway, back to Nick - highlight of the set was probably their second song, a version of a track off the current album that started off sounding as normal and then gradually got cranked up until it thundered magnificently.


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