
Not the most exciting picture - nor the most exciting morning.  I'd hoped to take the youngest out somewhere for some fun to make up for his brother going off to School and the tears that ensue from the youngest at not being able to stay too.  Instead, .we went to the supermarket and library - sorry little man. 

The supermarket was frustrating - we queued up to pay and had 4 pints of orange juice spilt on the floor in front of us - the cashier had a slight panic when I suggested using a 5p bag to put the still leaking carton in.  Once this was all cleared up and my shopping was going through, the cashier knocked over 4 pints of my milk without noticing.  He was quite surprised to see milk all over the floor and didn't quite know what to do - so carried on checking out my shopping with me avoiding the milk.  I had to ask him if it would be possible to have someone fetch me some more milk, which for some reason has annoyed me way more than it should have done. 

The youngest quite happily spent the shop in the shopping trolley looking as if I'd picked him off the shelf in isle 2...

The day did get better, thankfully. 

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