Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

iPup 1.0

Mom made me my very own iThingy! She calls it an iPup, and it has my favorite things on it: a Moose! a nap app; a play date app; a cat app (though I'm not sure what to do with it!); a meat app, yum! And a sled dog app, which is supposed to inspire me for our scoots. Since I don't have opposable thumbs, she made the buttons big enough for my paws.

She thought it was time I had this since I'm very smart and I know what a lot of words and phrases mean! Here's a list of some of them:

* All done (Mom says this when she's done playing Moose, but I could keep playing for hours and there are still treats left!)
* Sit (also sit pretty, which involves balance and coordination)
* Lie down
* Treat!!!!!!!!
* Moose, my very special toy (I also have Cow that I fetch sometimes; and my Stick, that I chew on and sometimes play Attack with.)
* Catch! (when we play Moose, and Mom says Catch, I turn and face her so when she throws it, I can catch it in my mouth - about 75% of the time! It's trickier now that I have Giant Moose.)
* Walk or scoot (basically the same, just depends on who I go with)
* Stay
* Bedtime, breakfast time!, dinner time! naptime
* Come (I usually pretend I don't know that one though)
* Shhhhhh
* NO!
* Wait ....
* Stop!
* No faces! (this means I'm not supposed to lick babies' faces!?!? But that's the best part! All that yummy mucous and leftover food....)
* Let's go! (after we stop at intersections, which I'm very good at, and there are no cars coming and it's safe to cross)
* Good girl (often followed by a Treat!)
* Leave it (I'm really good at this one; sometimes mom will put a treat down on the floor and tell me "leave it" and I just turn away from it and won't touch it or even look at it until she says it's OK!)
* Drop it (I learned this one real early so I wouldn't eat stuff that's supposedly bad for me, like cat poop)
* Ehhhh ehhhhhh ehhhhh (weird loud sound Mom makes when she wants me to stop doing something)
* Bring it (usually this means Moose and involves Treats)
* I also know that when they say "Liza, you need to stay here and guard the house," they're going somewhere without me! But at least they give me an important job!
* Go outside. Go in the house, in the cottage, in the sunroom (I know what all these mean!)
* Let's take your collar off, let's put your collar on ('collar on' means I'm going outside!)
* Time out (I think this means "bad dog" but they never say "bad dog" which I'm glad for!)
* Get in your Spot (this is Mom's lap, in between her legs, under the little lap table and a blanket, like a cave; it's so cozy!)

Of course, I know my name, or I should say names - Liza, Liza Jane, Little Bit, Wee One, Liza Doolittle (when Mom takes me outside to pee), baby girl, little girl. Mom also calls me Funny Girl or tells me I'm Goofy or Silly, which I know means she loves me.

I even know some hand signals! Especially bring it and down. But I'll tell you more about that later, Mom says it's Naptime! Oh, and Mom says you should look at this LARGE, so you can see my special apps!

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