Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

{What cake!?!}

hmmmmmm, the best bit of making cakes always has to be licking the spoon, yes!?!

Early start today, as swimming is at 8.30am, so have to leave the house for 8am!!
Izzy struggled abit today at swimming, I HATE seeing her struggle and just want to hug her and make her magically swim, she still says she enjoyed it but she says she was abit scared which she has never been scared in the water before. She struggled just with the floating! I know she will be fine just my silly mummy worries!

We have spent most of the day drawing, making and handwriting practice, totally Izzy's choice by the way.

One day left of the holidays, but saying that her school is closed Monday so she has to come to work with me, YAY!!

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