
By FarmerGirl

Speedy T

I saw Kiwilizzie's blip yesterday and loved how she had blurred the background, while focusing on her subject. I wanted to produce photo's like that, so I wrote down her camera settings, and gave it a go today. Kiwilizzie's camera is more high spec than mine, and I couldn't quite get the exact settings, but got as close as I could get.

Son T was on his motorbike this afternoon, so I got him to go up and down a paddock on his bike, while I took photo's. The grass was a bit long, and although I didn't get a lot of focused photo's, this was about the best I got - and I loved it. I just need to fine tune it more! If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can do that, please let me know.

So thanks Kiwilizzie for motivating me to try out my camera on the manual settings, rather than relying on the pre-set ones! You're a star!

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