Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Excited that we can see the sunsets from the kitchen windows. A busy day headed into town first thing to pick up our ee 4g router. Not having a landline just going to use mobiles and our 4g router. Glad not to have to deal with bt. And amazed at the speed of the Internet.  Before the picture wouldn't be finished uploading even when I had written an essay!! Now it's done on seconds. After town we had lunch then set to on a bit of unpacking. Husband unloaded the gate trailer so we could extend the pet lamb pen and also block the gaps on our unfinished garden fence so the dogs can play in the garden without escaping. I tackled the kitchen and what I'm making into a utility room. Not all completely unpacked but a lot better and we can get in the room and use it. The sitting room still looking like a giant game of tetris with sofas and furniture on ends and sides and upside down. That's for another day. We both have over done it today!! Just couldn't help ourselves.

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