Fartnarkled tyre (SilS86)

Various things progressed today - none of them particularly exciting or blippable - which is probably why I forgot to take any presentable photographs.   We did have an overheard in Waitrose moment when Sainsbury's didn't have any cardamom pods, although thankfully Waitrose did have them and a choice of two varieties, and we had a free piece of (dairy free) banana cake, and... one of the staff called me sir!  I can see us shopping there more often if this continues :-)

One of the progress items was to visit the soon to be ours motorhome and measure some of the cupboards (exciting eh?) and sort out a few things we need for the storage & insurance etc.  I did take the compact camera with me so today's blip is the size & rating info from one of the tyres - fartnarkled into polar coordinates - and if that does not qualify for Silly Saturday, I don't know what does :-)

Tomorrow's excitement is to visit the storage place where Florence*  will be parked between adventures. This will involve wandering about a seriously secure parking area with a tape measure - I may need to lie down somewhere dimly lit after that.

*yes, the MH has a name, but that is a story for another day.

Thanks to Admirer for hosting.

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