Frustrated Artist

By Apothecary7

MOK Run 2018

Another beautiful day down here in Kintyre.
Today it's the MOK run and I'm sure the runners would have been glad of the breeze.
A couple of the people from the shop are taking part both in the 10km and the half marathon, so I 'll hear all about it tomorrow.
Grocery shopping was done prompt this morning to ensure we got  back across the main road before Mokrun started ... both the 10k and the half marathon go along the road near the start and although the roads are officially open the police hold up traffic until all the stragglers are on their way out of town.
From my blip you can see we were successful as this shot was taken from our upstairs bedroom window :-)
At Carskey we walked along to the far end and back. I took my paddling shoes and with Fergus wandered along the bay in the water's edge. At about the halfway mark Fergus got fed up with waves and he came back to Beachcomber who let him off his lead for a run about. He promptly disappeared into the dunes where we know he likes to run along the path and pop out at the end of the dunes. Today he came running back at that point which was good.
As we got back to town we started passing the last of the half marathon runners.

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