and through the wire...

By hesscat

Maraschino-Red Dress $8.99 at Goodwill

Wow, a blip title or what...

We were off out over to Glasgow tonight for Ezra Furman and The Visions. For some unknown reason, although I've been aware of him for a few years, he didn't appear in my playlists until Christmas when Mrs C bought me his previous album and tickets to see him tonight. Mrs C is always finding new music for me which I am not really happy about!! Some of my favourite music came from her... ach...

Anyway, various plays of his albums leading up to tonight brought some degree of familiarity but still didn't prepare us for the gig... such energy, passion and good tunes, we all left enthusiastic to listen to more and return one day. In the penultimate song, the keyboardist broke his keyboards somehow so the encore was just him on his own for 3 songs. 

There was no pre-announcement of the support act Du Blonde who we didn't realise until after was Beth Jeans Houghton, eek! I've seen her before at Green Man and on Jools several times and she has supported loads of big acts .. but despite being critically acclaimed for numerous years, she seems yet to get the popular success she deserves. We thought she was fab too!

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