Sevilla D31 - In the Streets

After yesterday’s preview of the exhibits for Corpus Christi day, I managed to catch the end of the processional and its piece de resistance, the Custodia de Juan de Arfe, a huge 475kg silver monstrance made in the 1580s by Renaissance metalsmith Juan de Arfe and which is in permanent residence inside Sevilla’s cathedral. In fact, it only leaves the cathedral this one time of the year, carried on the shoulders of men right underneath its canopy (I was told there are 45 men, but it didn’t look like there would be enough space for so many people. In any case, I’m sure there were some sore backs!)

There were lots of people gathered together all along the processional, on the street — seeking a bit of shade, at windows, on the cathedral’s stairs.

I watched for a while as several displays paraded by and left when the guards and their instruments closed the parade.

I then wandered into the Archivo General de Indias — a museum dedicated to Spanish engineering feats — from building the boats that first crossed the Atlantic to mining, roads, aqueducts, and other ventures. Entrance was free as today was a holiday. It’s worth a visit if you’re in the area: the building itself is wonderful.

Then I meandered a bit more and snapped some street shots. Tourists as well as Sevillanos were out in numbers today  I caught a quick montadito for lunch at a local tapas bar et voilà!

Tomorrow, our group is off for a 3-day trip to Madrid. I’ll travel sans laptop, so the recount of my adventures will have to await my return to Sevilla.

The rest of today's pix are on my WordPress blog.

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