Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Newnham On Severn

At 11.30am we met up with Mrs BB brother and sister in law at The White Hart Inn, Newham on Severn, Gloucestershire, as they're in the UK for a few weeks looking after their granddaughter who was with them. We met here as Mrs BB sister lives nearby and it was a good half way point for us.

The River Severn backs on to the pub. It's where crowds gather to watch the famous 'Severn Bore' which comes in at a rate of knots and people surf it. It is the second fastest rise of tide in the world!  When we arrived it was very high and I enjoyed taking some photo's in the bright hazy sunshine.

This evening we visited my mum in hospital in Cardiff. She's doing well but it's been a long day!

Wide Wednesday Challenge

I must be honest and say the standard of entries this week was exceptionally high and I've managed to chose my top ten wide ones on the theme of 'lines' but ranking them is another thing!  So, this week I'm just listing them in any order..........loved them!

1.   Doyley                     Tunnel
1.   Rainie                      Window reflection
1.   Jensphotos            Sydney Lights
1.   RSDphotography  Loom
1.   Mirand1008         Steps
1.   PeterSevern           Window
1.   AH14                       Church interior (B&W)
1.   Gordo                      Fence
1.   FlyingLeap               Door Mat!
1.   60plus                     Beach

Thanks to all who tagged their entries. Hearts awarded asap to the above ten.  Steveng is hosting the enxt four weeks whilst I take another holiday!

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