
By Anniemay

The Selfie

Yesterday I suggested we go up on the Bergen Funicular this morning as soon as it opened at 7:30. It was a bit of a tongue in cheek suggestion and was never really likely to happen. It didn’t happen for a couple of reasons. Firstly Igor thought I was mad and secondly my body decided to catch up on some sleep and didn’t wake me up till after eight.

When we eventually got to the top of the hill leading up to the Funicular entrance it was clear that my suggestion had been a good one. By the time we arrived so had at least two hundred others. We got in the queue and prepared to wait until it was our turn. I was surprised and saddened that many others who just like us wanted to get up to the top of the hill and look down on the spectacular views of Bergen were not prepared to wait. People pushed in and whole tour parties tried to blag their way past us to try to get on the train before everyone else. When did so many people in the world become so self centred that they put their own needs/desires before everyone else’s?

Rant over but does this image sum it all up?

The rest of our day was wonderful. It was easy to leave the crowds behind once up on the plateau. We found peace and quiet in the woods and then when we came down we enjoyed a cool and quiet look at some of the Munch paintings in the Kode Buildings. It’s been really hot again today but everywhere looks wonderful bathed in beautiful sunshine with the pure blue backdrop of sky.

Extras - around Bergen on a lovely Summer’s day.

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