
So, we had the most amazing lie in this morning. Little Miss dragged us out of bed at 10 am. Glorious, and much needed.

Then we got going with finishing off bits and bobs for puppy's arrival in a week's time.

Mr B has now installed lights in the kennel part of the run and a powerpoint outside to power the radio we'll leave for Abe. He's now putting finishing touches to the cover for the crate, demonstrating once again his excellent sewing skills.

I baked a cake, took a trip to the pet shop (again) to get a few last bits and bobs. I did several loads of washing, cleaned my car inside and lent my assistance to Mr B when required.

Little Miss has helped us out too, so it's been a family project.

Little Miss was marvelling at how spacious and comfortable Abe's kennel was, when she suddenly screamed and leapt out of the run. She had spotted a red back spider in there. Mr B liberated it, using his file, and I had to photograph it, before we released her away from the kennel and run.

They're such beautiful spiders; I just wish they weren't so dangerous!


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